Cashmerette Harrison Shirt

Well hello there! Today I am sharing my tester version of the Cashmerette Harrison shirt. This pattern has been on my radar for quite some time. I purchased it very early in my sewing journey, but never got around to making it. Part of that was because button up shirts intimidated me, but another part was because I changed sizes. I didn’t have enough fabric for my new size, so I set it on a shelf for a while. When the opportunity came to test this pattern, I took it as a sign to finally jump in. My sewing skills have drastically improved since I first picked up this pattern, and I felt confident that I could make this garment

This pattern comes in sizes 12 – 32, cup size options (C/D, E/F, G/H), and full bicep sleeve pieces. Cashmerette has a size calculator where you can put your measurements in and it tells you what size to make. I’ve also popped a link in to their size chart. I made the size 26 with the G/H cup and standard bicep sleeve. I used a bright pink cotton fabric, semi-opaque buttons, and crisp interfacing. I used a Pellon interfacing that is made for shirt collars and cuffs. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this interfacing, but I had it on hand. I am planning on trying some other types of interfacing that are a tad bit less stiff.

The instructions were well written and I understood most of the steps intuitively. Collars are always perplexing to me, but I’m getting the hang of it. The tower sleeve placket was a new-to-me method. I am much more used to the continuous lapped sleeve placket method used on a couple of Muna & Broad patterns (Huon, Waikerie, Tarawi). I think I did a pretty good job for my first tower placket. I still prefer the continuous placket, but I could get used to this too.

I am very pleased with the end result. The double princess seams offer nice shaping and I think I might be a princess seams person now. I like the overall fit and length of the shirt. I tried to style it a couple of ways just to see how it could fit in my wardrobe. I had to pair it with my neon green Glebe pants for full on bright moment. I absolutely see more Harrison shirts in my future, possibly in a chambray or linen. This fabric has less drape than I’d prefer, so I am looking forward to trying some other fabrics that might be a bit better suited for the pattern. I’m wondering if this was a quilting cotton? I’m honestly not sure. I have some cotton shirting that is crisp but a bit less wrinkle-prone. Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely worn this shirt and will continue to wear it. I’m just thinking ahead to future versions.

2 Replies to “Cashmerette Harrison Shirt”

  1. I really love it with the electric kiwi pants. Just perfect. That outfit could easily take on a case of pandemic induced blues and put you back on the right track.


  2. These two colours together are perfect! Your Harrison fits so good too. Of the different stylings you tried here, untucked and tied with rolled sleeves are my faves.


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